Upgrade or move a validator

Validators perform critical functions for the network, and as such, have strict uptime requirements. Validators may have to go offline for short-periods of time to upgrade client software or to upgrade the host machine. Usually, standard client upgrades will only require you to stop the service, replace the binary and restart the service. This operation can be executed within a session and if performed correctly will not produce a slashable event.

Validators may also need to perform long-lead maintenance tasks that will span more than one session. Under these circumstances, an active validator may chill their stash and be removed from the active validator set. Alternatively, the validator may substitute the active validator server with another allowing the former to undergo maintenance activities.

This guide will provide an option for validators to seamlessly substitute an active validator server to allow for maintenance operations.

The process can take several hours, so make sure you understand the instructions first and plan accordingly.

Key Components

Session Keys

Session keys are stored in the client and used to sign validator operations. They are what link your validator node to your staking proxy. If you change them within a session you will have to wait for the current session to finish and a further two sessions to elapse before they are applied.


Each validator server contains essential private keys in a folder called the keystore. These keys are used by a validator to sign transactions at the network level. If two or more validators sign certain transactions using the same keys, it can lead to an equivocation slash.

For this reason, it is advised that validators DO NOT CLONE or COPY the keystore folder and instead generate session keys for each new validator instance.

Default keystore path - /opt/substrate/chains/dentnet/keystore

Steps for Active Validator Substitution

The following steps require a second validator which will be referred to as Validator B; the original server that is in the active set will be referred to as Validator A.

Session N

  1. Start a second node. Once it is synced, use the --validator flag. This is now "Validator B."

  2. Generate Session keys for Validator B.

  3. Submit a set_key extrinsic from your staking proxy with the session key generated from Validator B.

  4. Take note of the Session that this extrinsic was executed in.

  5. Allow the current session to elapse and then wait for two full sessions.

It is imperative that you keep Validator A running during this time. set_key does not have an immediate effect and requires two full sessions to elapse before it does. If you do switch off Validator A too early you may risk being chilled and slashed.

Session N+3

Validator B is now acting as your validator - you can safely perform operations on Validator A.

When you are ready to restore Validator A:

  1. Start Validator A, sync the database and ensure that it is operating with the --validator flag.

  2. Generate new Session keys for Validator A.

  3. Submit a set_key extrinsic from your staking proxy with the session key generated from Validator A.

  4. Take note of the Session that this extrinsic was executed in.

Again, it is imperative that Validator B is kept running until the current session finishes and two further full sessions have elapsed.

Once this time has elapsed, Validator A will take over. You can safely stop Validator B.

NOTE: To verify that the Session has changed, make sure that a block in the new Session is finalized. You should see log messages like the ones below to confirm the change:

2024-04-08 21:29:19 👴 Applying authority set change scheduled at block #23291051
2024-04-08 21:29:19 👴 Applying GRANDPA set change to new set...

Last updated